Thursday, September 23, 2021

Deep woods [M2BBW]

This older video that was thought to be lost has now been salvaged, thanks to my awesome patron Coney, who rediscovered it on one of their old hard drives.

Feeling so happy about my followers at the moment. I'm very priviledged to have supporters archiving my work.

>>>download link<<<

Monday, September 20, 2021

Looking for "Lost in the woods" [Edit: video found]

 Years ago I wrote some captions on a couple of softcore porn clips, edited them a bit and then uploaded them on pornhub.

One of these was called "Lost in the woods", or something along those lines.

This video featured BBW Jae walking around in a forest.

The clip in question is no longer on pornhub and I don't have it anymore either. If anyone reading this does though, could you let me know in the comments?

EDIT: so apparently the video was called Deep Woods. It's now been found thanks to an awesome patron : )

Here's a link to the post containing the video in question:

Saturday, September 18, 2021

My old captions - Poff Captions era

Here's more or less all the content I made for my old 'Poff Captions' blog over a decade ago.

I didn't really take the time to re-read or organize any of these. The order that they appear in here should be correct, but I didn't split the ones with continuations from the standalone captions.